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Listen to Dr. Carolyn talk about
the importance of how to LEAP in prayer. 
                    I "PRAY" You LEAP.
A Poem written By Dr. Carolyn Rascoe
The Leap


I pray you LEAP; I pray you soar;

I pray you LEAP for so much more.

LEAP in health, LEAP in wealth;

LEAP farther than you can take yourself.


It is your time; it is your turn;

So, LEAP for more than you yourself can earn. 

 God has a LEAP designed especially for you;

Your LEAP is something only you can do.


Your LEAP will take you higher than you can dream;

Although impossible it really may seem.

With God, there is no limit or ceiling;

No matter how hard the struggle you’re feeling.


You’re never too young; or never too old;

Just take a LEAP and dare to be bold.

Your LEAP is a press you feel in your soul;

So, lean into God for instructions to unfold.



So, pray, worship, and put your trust in God;

For with Him, there’s never anything too hard.

So come on, I dare you to LEAP;

Did you not know all God’s promises He’ll keep?


Sometimes, you’ll feel like you’re leaping in the dark;

But that’s the very time you’ll make your mark.

Your LEAP will seem like a very hard challenge;

But as you LEAP things will come into balance.


So, don’t wait till everything is all in place;

As you dare to LEAP, God will give you more grace.

You will need persistence, consistency, and tenacity;

For as you LEAP God will increase your capacity.



Take that LEAP in your business; take a LEAP to write your book;

The vision that you wrote, go take another look.


If there’s breath in your body, you can make up your mind;

So, get up and LEAP while you still have the time.


I pray you LEAP; I pray you Soar;

I pray you reach for so much more.


By: Dr. Carolyn Thompson Rascoe

Copyright © [LEAP Enterprise & Carolyn Thompson -Rascoe] [2020] All Rights Reserved. 





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